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Music Theory for Producers
The Basics
Start Here: Class Materials
Understanding Octaves (4:06)
Steps and Naming Keys (6:49)
Understanding Scales (6:43)
Beats, Measures, Notes (Musical Time) (4:40)
Understanding Time Signatures and Musical Time (6:21)
Understand the Circle of Fifths (Introduction) (7:22)
Chord Class
Building Major and Minor Chords (Triads) (7:55)
Augmented and Diminished Triads (5:30)
Building Your First Chord Progression (starting with the tonic chord) (10:40)
Building Your First Chord Progression (Starting with the Major 4th or Minor 6th) (10:11)
Building Chord Progressions in Major Scales (happy, uplifting chord progressions) (11:23)
Building Chord Progressions in Minor Scales (sad, deep chord progressions) (12:11)
Adding 7's and 9's to Chords (12:24)
Chord Symmetry and Chord Suspensions (9:03)
Articulation 1 - Using 1/8 and 1/4 note rhythms (6:20)
Articulation 2 - Triplet Rhythms (redo this one or add another) (3:30)
Articulation 3 - Using Dotted Rhythms in Chord Progressions (17:26)
Articulation 4 - Freestyling (6:06)
Articulation 5 - Ascending Dotted Rhythms (12:13)
Voice Spreading and Chord Inversions (11:30)
Passing Notes (These add energy to chord progressions) (12:50)
Introduction to Pedal tones (6:15)
Pedal Tones: a deeper dive (9:57)
All About Melodies
Introduction To Melodies (6:48)
Writing Your First Melody (Minor rooted melodies) (20:00)
Writing Your First Melody (Major rooted melodies) (13:42)
Building Melodies (Using the 3rd and 5th) (8:19)
Rhythmic Symmetry and Structuring Melodies (8:33)
Another Way To Structure Melodies (7:26)
Call and Response Melodies 1 (9:32)
Call and Response Melodies 2 (4:57)
Call and Response Melodies 3 (Transitional Melodies) (6:05)
Building Arpeggiated Topline Melodies (19:23)
Building Arpeggiated Melodies With Chords (14:56)
Introduction to Counter Melodies (8:03)
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Steps and Naming Keys
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